Our IT experts carefully crafted CMS over months of collaboration with CST’s owners, business partners, administration, engineers and Help Desk professionals. With over 30 years and thousands of client-side experiences and scenarios across almost every industry, we built CMS as a powerful transitional tool that takes over IT and enables you to get back to focusing on your core business while still maintaining the highest possible IT standards.
With CMS, you benefit from CST’s complete team armed with information and experiences that include providing you options, suggestions, and concrete answers. At CST two words are entirely unacceptable in any capacity: It should.
- Does your firewall tag and filter out-of-country websites and spam?
- Is your payroll and banking software only accessible to the designated staff members who are authorized to view it?
- Have you ever taken a fully backed-up copy of your entire operations and run a disaster recovery exercise on remote or virtual servers to see if it works?
If the answer is no, then it’s time to ask why.
If the answer is yes, then demand documentation and proof of results.
If the answer is it should, that means, I don’t know, which means you don’t know where your openings and weaknesses are and are at risk of data exposure and loss.